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Friday, April 25, 2008

Tried Blu-Ray Yet?

Netflix, Inc.

If you haven't experienced Blu-Ray technology yet, find somebody with a PS3 or a Blu-Ray player, sign up for the Netflix free trial, and you can rent Blu-Ray DVDs free for two weeks. If you don't like Netflix, cancel it. If you like it, you can watch Blu-Ray DVDs for the same price as DVDs.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Protect Your Computer

1.Scan your computer weekly to check that you don't have a computer virus. Keep your software up to date.

2.Install an anti spyware on your computer.

3.Set up a fire-wall on your computer.

4.Never give out your information through a link you receive in an email. Always go directly to the site to update or provide your information.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Buying A New Computer

1.Consider what your computer will be used for. More basic things like surfing the internet and word processing? A lower end system is fine for this. Playing video games and more technical work need a higher end system.

2.Consider pricing, but don't go with the cheapest one you can find if you want good computer performance. Remember, you pay for what you get.

3.Ask questions. When you are shopping don't purchase anything until you are satisfied that it will meet all of your needs. USA, LLC